Players must be between the ages of 5 – 20 years of age as of December 31 of the current season
Division | Birth year Jan 1- Dec 31 |
U7 | 2019-2018 |
U9 | 2017-2016 |
U11 | 2015-2014 |
U13 | 2013-2012 |
U15 | 2011-2010 |
U18 | 2009-2008-2007 |
U21 | 2006-2005-2004 *2003 overage is allowed but only a few |
The whole process could take roughly 30 minutes, so please allow yourself enough time to read, understand, and complete all of the steps in this process as they are all important for the successful completion of your registration.
MANDATORY Every registrant must have an up-to-date Respect in Sport - Parent in order to register. For more info please visit the RIS-Parent section of this page
- Each Stream has its own registration link please be mindful of which link you are choosing to register.
- Please review Hockey Calgary's "What program is right for me" if you are unsure which program to register for
- Streams offered at Springbank:
- Community League (U7-U18)
- Jrc (U21)*please note tryouts are required, see the section on Tryouts
- West Calgary House League (U9 & U11) - you must use a private link found in their section of this tab.
- If you are looking for more details and to register for the West Calgary House League (Flames Community House League) please visit their section West Calgary House League Information at the bottom of this page.
- Registrations will be completed online through the TeamSnap registration portal.
- Online registration will accept both VISA and MasterCard as the preferred method of payment.
- Full payment will be required at registration check-out.
If you are new to Hockey you will be required to follow the steps below "I'm registering my Child to play hockey for the first time" prior to gaining access to the registration
If you are transferring you will be required to follow the steps below "Transferring my player to SMHA from another Hockey program" prior to gaining access to the registration
For all registration inquiries please contact
**** Important *** you will be required to provide your Hockey Canada ID.
If you are an existing SMHA Community Stream hockey player, have your Hockey Canada ID, and have your RIS-Parent please click the appropriate registration buttons below.
- NOTE: This is NOT the registration link for the West Calgary House League - please proceed to the section West Calgary House League Information
**Registration is now closed for the season**
2025/26 Season registration will open June 15th, 2025
Division | Birth year Jan1-Dec31 | Base Fee | Aug 15th Late Fee $250 |
U7 | 2019-2018 | $1000 | $1250 |
U9 | 2017-2016 | $1440 | $1690 |
U11 | 2015-2014 | $1540 | $1790 |
U13 | 2013-2012 | $1570 | $1820 |
U15 | 2011-2010 | $1680 | $1930 |
U18 | 2009-2007 | $1680 | $1930 |
U21 | 2006-2004 | $1450 *tryout fee $60 | n/a |
Respect in Sport - PARENT (RIS-Parent) - MANDATORY
This program is mandated by Hockey Alberta and all players in Alberta must be connected to an active Respect in Sport - Parent Certificate before they can register and gain access to the registration system
NOTE: Respect in Sport - Activity Leader (RIS-AL) can not be used in replacement of the required RIS-Parent
- Please ensure your Respect in Sport Parent Certification has not expired.
- Recertification is due every 4 years in May on the anniversary of your certification date and must be completed prior to registering.
- SMHA does not cover the cost of this program, you will be required to pay.
- SMHA does not have access to this number.
- If you have already completed the program you can obtain your Certificate # by logging into the Hockey Alberta Respect in Sport Program.
- If you require assistance please contact the Respect Group Helpdesk: 1-866-956-9791 (available 6 am-10 pm MST)
First time registering:
- This one-hour, online program must be completed by at least 1 parent or guardian of the player.
- There is a fee for this program and SMHA DOES NOT cover the charge.
- Register your child according to the name on his/her Birth Certificate.
- Please choose “Springbank” as your organization. Note: there will be other options with Springbank in the name please only choose the one that says "Springbank"
- Click this link Hockey Alberta Respect in Sport Program to go directly to their website.
- For detailed instructions and more information about this program, please Click Here
Adding a new player to an existing certificate:
- you do NOT have to repeat the course, but you DO have to log into the Hockey Alberta Respect in Sport Program and add the new child to your profile.
- Click Here to see the steps to link a child to your profile.
If you have taken a Respect in Sport Parent course for another sport:
- Log into the Hockey Alberta Respect in Sport Program, click on “Already certified? Import your certificate” and follow the instructions.
- Please note that not all programs are equal and you might be required to take the course regardless.
- If you need assistance in importing or inquires about your certificate please contact the Helpdesk (see below)
If you require assistance please contact the Respect Group Helpdesk: 1-866-956-9791 (available 6 am - 10 pm MST)
My player has played somewhere else is an existing Player in Hockey Canada's Minor Hockey program and will be new to SMHA
STEP 1: (parent) An up-to-date Respect in Sport - Parent is required for all transferring players to be approved.
- NOTE: if your Respect in Sport is out of province you might be required to take the Alberta RIS
STEP 2: (parent) Proof of Residency
NOTE: Does the player have a family member who is a coach? If they would like to coach with SMHA a transfer will be required for them as well. Please be sure to follow the "Coach Transfer" instructions below and the coach transfer will be included in the Player's transfer.
E-mail with the following information
PLEASE DO NOT UPLOAD these documents to your player's HCR profile this must be submitted via email.
- The subject line should read: Transferring to SMHA – Child’s name
- Proof of age: Scanned copy or clear digital photo of the player’s Birth Certificate or Passport.
- Proof of Respect in Sport - Parent: Copy of Respect in Sport Certificate or Respect in Sport Certificate Number.
- Parent Declaration Form: Please Click Here for the fillable Hockey Calgary Parent Declaration Form. Both parents must sign.
- Coach Transfer - if you have a family member who would like to continue coaching their profile will need to be transferred as well, please provide their full name (the name on your RIS-Activity Leader) and birthdate for the transfer to be completed.
- Proof of Residency (THREE)
- Three of any of the below
- Current proof of residency with your name and address, these must be scanned or clear digital photos
- Recent Utility Bill – within the last month, please make sure it reflects both the mailing and service address (the entire page must be visible)
- Proof of Community school enrollment
- Current GST statement or Income Tax Assessment
- Homeowner or Rental Insurance Statement
- PLEASE NOTE: a driver’s license, cellular phone bill or property tax bill will NOT be accepted as proof of residence
If you do not have any of the above due to a future possession date or are renting please see below as your temporary proof of residency - you must have THREE
- If moving to a home under construction - a signed builder agreement with possession date.
- If renting within SMHA boundaries while waiting for the possession date include your Rental Agreement
- Proof of renters insurance
- Proof of transfer of utilities if your rental does not include it
- Internet bill (no cellular bills please)
- Proof of Community school enrollment
- All of the above dates must coincide with Hockey Calgary's regulations that all players must be within boundaries by Sept 1st the start of the current season.
The above steps are for transferring within Canada, if you are transferring your player internationally you must contact SMHA operations at for further steps needing to be taken.
STEP 3: (operations) Upon review of your child’s profile/completed transfer, SMHA will contact you to advise that you may proceed with registration.
**Transfers may take over a week to process through the Hockey Canada Registry System. It is advised that transfer requests are done well in advance of fee increase dates in order to provide sufficient time for the transfer process to be completed.
New Player
My child is playing hockey for the first time - New Player
STEP 1: (parent) Complete the required step for Respect in Sport - Parent
- NOTE: If you are registering a new player with siblings already in SMHA you will need to add your new player to your Respect in Sport - Parent account (instructions can be found in the Respect in Sport section above)
STEP 2: (parent) Proof of Player Age and Residency
E-mail with the following information
PLEASE DO NOT UPLOAD these documents to your player's HCR profile this must be submitted via email.
- The subject line should read: New to SMHA – Child’s name
- Please indicate which league you are registering for WCHL or Community (not sure? Please see Registration information for more details)
- Proof of age: Scanned copy or clear digital photo of the player’s Birth Certificate or Passport.
- Proof of Respect in Sport - Parent: Copy of Respect in Sport Certificate or Respect in Sport Certificate Number.
- Proof of Residency (TWO):
- TWO of any of the below
- Current proof of residency with your name and address, these must be scanned or clear digital photos
- Recent Utility Bill – within the last month, please make sure it reflects both the mailing and service address (the entire page must be visible)
- Proof of Community school enrollment
- Current GST statement or Income Tax Assessment
- Homeowner or Rental Insurance Statement
- PLEASE NOTE: a driver’s license, cellular phone bill or property tax bill will NOT be accepted as proof of residence
If you do not have any of the above due to a possession date please see below as your temporary proof of residency:
- A signed purchase/rental agreement with a possession date.
- If moving to a home under construction - a signed builder agreement with a possession date
- All of the above dates must coincide with Hockey Calgary's regulations that all players must be within boundaries by Sept 1st the start of the current season.
STEP 3: (operations) Upon review of your child’s profile, SMHA will contact you to advise that you may proceed with registration.
All team announcements will be via Teamsnap.
Once the Player Placement Program has been completed the AGCs have 48 - 72 hours to submit their rosters to Operations to input into TeamSnap.
Parents will receive an email notification from Operations informing them their team is now viewable in the TeamSnap APP.
The Player Placement process document describes the process used to fairly evaluate players and place them on teams with like-skilled players and allow for a fun and competitive season for all players.
The Player Placement Evaluator guidelines document sets out guidelines for how players are to be evaluated as part of the player placement program.
If you are interested in volunteering during the evaluation process please contact the below relevant Age Group Coordinator
- Held prior to U15 Player Placement.
- No impact on player evaluations.
- Mandatory fee for U15 first-year players.
- Required for all players, regardless of BC/NBC designation or prior programs.
- Introduces the difference between full contact (BC) and body contact in puck engagement (NBC).
- Professional instructors provide demos in separate BC/NBC groups and ice times.
- Important for the player's understanding of the contact boundaries in BC and NBC.
- Exceptions: goalies and NWCAA tryouts.
- The Age Group Coordinator will provide mid-September scheduling details.
Below is the Player Placement timeline for the upcoming season
NOTE: dates can change at a moment's notice due to ice availability - please be sure to check this often and watch your email from your Age Group Coordinator
Hockey Canada's Pathways Program U7, U9, U11, U13, U15 & U18
SMHA must offer open no cost pre-evaluation skates for all players as a part of Hockey Canada's Long-Term Player Development Model called Pathways.
This program is designed to help create a positive experience and allow all players equal access to pre-evaluation ice times in order to prepare for SMHA's Player Placement Program PPP (evaluations).
These pre-skates are optional, you can attend all, one, two, or none, and all players are randomly sorted into groups the week prior to PPP, these are planned sessions where the player will experience and practice the drills used at our PPPs
At no time during these sessions will our players be evaluated.
No ice times will be held over the Labour Day Long weekend (Sat-Mon)
- U7 will be scheduled 2 pre-skates
- U9 will be scheduled 4 pre-skates
- U11 will be scheduled 4 pre-skates
- U13 will be scheduled 4 pre-skates
- U15 will be scheduled 3 pre-skates
- U18 will be scheduled 3 pre-skates
You are NOT required to attend and if you would like to opt out of this program please contact your age group coordinator AFTER your registration is complete
Below is the Pre-Skate timeline for the upcoming season
NOTE: Dates can change at a moment's notice due to ice availability - Please be sure to check this often and watch your email from your Age Group Coordinator
AA/AAA Elite Stream tryouts (U13, U15, U18)
U13, U15 & U18 Players who are trying out for the AA/AAA elite teams must follow the below steps.
Please note that SMHA does not manage nor run the Elite stream and you will be required to follow the registration process with Northwest Calgary Athletic Association(NWCAA) or Girls Hockey Calgary (GHC) Fire separate from SMHA's requirements
If you have any questions on how to register with NWCAA or GHC please contact the below.
- NWCAA registrar at or
- GHC registrar at
NOTE: Please be sure to request they SHARE your profile as you will not be able to pre-register with SMHA if they transfer you.
Pre-register with Springbank Minor Hockey
Springbank understands the upfront cost of Elite stream tryouts. If your player returns to the community, Springbank fees will be collected. During registration, select "Yes," and your fees will be held during the tryout period.
Pre-register before the late fee increases on August 15th to avoid paying a non-refundable difference (refer to the fee table and Refund Policy). If you pay in full and your player is picked up, refunds follow SMHA's Refund Policy.
Upon release from the Elite stream, SMHA will notify you on how to complete payment. Alternatively, you can email SMHA Operations. The pre-registration credit will be removed, and you will have 72 hours to pay the outstanding fee. Once paid, your player’s registration will be processed for participation in SMHA’s program. Failure to pay on time will delay registration.
Springbank will verify registration with NWCAA or GHC Fire. If not registered, the held fees will be reinstated, and full payment will be required before your player's registration will be processed.
Register with NWCAA or GHC Fire
NOTE: Please be sure to request they SHARE your profile as you will not be able to pre-register with SMHA if they transfer you.
Be sure to keep the SMHA Operations up to date on your player's progress and GOOD LUCK!
Junior C (U21) Tryouts
- All registrants are required to try out for a position on SMHA’s U21 (Junior C) Team and provide a non-refundable one-time tryout fee, this fee is not applicable to the registration fee if you are accepted.
- After communication of successfully being offered a roster spot on the Junior C Team, the player will have three days to pay their registration fee.
- The registrar will be notified of the successful players via the Teamsnap system of the outstanding fees due.
- Such registration fees will either be paid in full or via 3 equal installments, if the player fails to pay their registration fees when due, they will be removed from the team and replaced.
Registration fees will be refunded based upon the SMHA refund_policy.
For all inquiries please contact SMHA Operations
Below are the financial assistance programs offered in Calgary for those families in need.
For a more comprehensive list please visit Hockey Calgary's website - look to the right toolbar
It is the responsibility of the families to apply and keep SMHA Operations up to date on the application process.
SMHA will work to support our families while they are in the process of applying to the below programs, if you require additional support or information please reach out to SMHA Operations
All inquiries/applications are confidential and private.
Flames Even Strength Program (FESP)
- Provides assistance to families with financial barriers up to a maximum dollar value per registered player in minor hockey.
- SMHA will hold the maximum dollar value from your registration fee at the time of registration, you simply answer the questions about your intent to apply for FESP and the system will hold back the amount. Operations will then follow up with you to ensure you have applied and again when your application has been updated to approved or denied. If you are denied SMHA will work with you on a payment plan
- The deadline to apply is October 15th
- Click here for the Flames Even Strength Program
KidSport Calgary Grant
- KidSport provides grants to kids from families facing financial barriers so they can participate in registered sports programs and experience the lifelong benefits of a season of sport. KidSport Calgary & Area provides grants to an eligible child, per year (January 1st - December 31st) towards sports registration fees.
- This grant requires you to submit a receipt of all fees paid in full therefore SMHA can not hold back any registration fees, further, this grant can be split between other minor sports programs so an amount can not be predicted. Once your grant is successful SMHA will receive your grant directly and apply the amount to your current fees and refund your credit card the difference.
- Click here for the KidSport Calgary Grant
Canadian Tire Jumpstart
- Sometimes, families need financial assistance to get their kids into a sport or physical activity. We're committed to helping all families access a range of activities, from boxing to bowling and skating to skiing, and more.
- Click here for the Jumpstart Individual Child Grants
Equipment For Players: Calgary Flames Sports Bank
Boundaries & Residency Requirements
Players must hold a permanent residency with one or more parents or legal guardians in one of the following communities:
- Springbank - Rocky View County (including Elbow Valley)
- Cougar Ridge
- West Springs (including Wentworth)
- Redwood Meadows and Bragg Creek.
- Tsuu T'ina Nation
Proof of residency can be asked for at any time.
A document that will be accepted will be a current utility bill in your name, homeowner documents or tenant agreements (Please note that a Property Tax bill will not be accepted as Proof of Residence.
For all registrations, addresses must be a street address or legal description with a post office box and not just a box number or work address. If you are unsure if you reside within the boundaries please click the interactive boundary map above to look at the SMHA area (be aware that the map will come up in a separate window). It is the responsibility of the registrant to ensure they are within these boundaries.
West Calgary House League (WCHL) Information
For questions about the West Calgary House League, please contact:
**Registration is now closed for the season**
2025/26 Season registration will open June 15th, 2025
- Birth year Jan 1 - Dec 31: 2016-2017
- Birth year Jan 1- Dec 31: 2014-2015
**All WCHL players must have a shared profile with Glenlake Admin please follow the below instructions as it pertain to you*
Existing WCHL Player - I'm a returning player to WCHL
You are free to register via the registration button above
Existing SMHA community Player - I would like to transition out of the community league to play in the house league
must have a shared profile with Glenlake Admin, please contact SMHA operations to start the process
New Player - I'm registering my child for the first time
STEP 1: (parent) Complete the required step for Respect in Sport - Parent
- Please choose "SPRINGBANK" as your organization
- Note: There will be other options please only choose SPRINGBANK
- Adding a new player (sibling) to an existing certificate:
- you do NOT have to repeat the course, but you DO have to log into your Rescept in Sport account and add the new child to your profile.
- Click Here to see the steps to link a child to your profile.
- For more information please see the Respect in Sport section on the Springbank Website
- Please choose "SPRINGBANK" as your organization
STEP 2: (parent) Proof of Player Age and Residency
E-mail with the following information:
- The subject line should read: New to SMHA – Child’s name
- Please indicate which league you are registering for WCHL
- Proof of age: Scanned copy or clear digital photo of the player’s Birth Certificate or Passport.
- Proof of Respect in Sport - Parent: Copy of Respect in Sport Certificate or Respect in Sport Certificate Number.
- Proof of Residency:
- TWO Current proof of residency with your name and address, these must be scanned or clear digital photos
- PLEASE NOTE: A driver’s license, cellular phone bill or property tax bill will NOT be accepted as proof of residence
- Recent Utility Bill – please make sure it reflects both the mailing and service address (the entire page must be visible)
- Proof of Community school enrollment
- Current GST statement or Income Tax Assessment
- Homeowner or Rental Insurance Statement
- TWO Current proof of residency with your name and address, these must be scanned or clear digital photos
If you do not have any of the above due to a possession date please see below as your temporary proof of residency:
- A signed purchase/rental agreement with a possession date.
- If moving to a home under construction - a signed builder agreement with a possession date
- All of the above dates must coincide with Hockey Calgary's regulations that all players must be within boundaries by September 1st of the start of the current season.
STEP 3: (operations) Upon review of your child’s profile, SMHA will contact you to advise that you may proceed with registration.
Existing Player - I'm transferring my player to SMHA
STEP 1: (parent) An up-to-date Respect in Sport - Parent is required for all transferring players to be approved.
STEP 2: (parent) Proof of Residency
NOTE: Does the player have a family member who is a coach? If they would like to coach with SMHA a transfer will be required for them as well. Please be sure to follow the "Coach Transfer" instructions below and the coach transfer will be included in the Player's transfer.
E-mail with the following information:
- The subject line should read: Transferring to SMHA – Child’s name
- Proof of age: Scanned copy or clear digital photo of the player’s Birth Certificate or Passport.
- Proof of Respect in Sport - Parent: Copy of Respect in Sport Certificate or Respect in Sport Certificate Number.
- Parent Declaration Form: Hockey Calgary Parent Declaration Form. Both parents must sign. CLICK HERE
- Coach Transfer - if you have a family member who would like to continue coaching their profile will need to be transferred as well, please provide their full name (the name on your RIS-Activity Leader) and birthdate in order for the transfer to be completed.
- Proof of Residency THREE of the below:
- Current proof of residency with your name and address, these must be scanned or clear digital photos
- Recent Utility Bill – please make sure it reflects both the mailing and service address (the entire page must be visible)
- Proof of Community school enrollment
- Current GST statement or Income Tax Assessment
- Homeowner or Rental Insurance Statement
- PLEASE NOTE: A driver’s license, cellular phone bill or property tax bill will NOT be accepted as proof of residence
If you do not have any of the above due to a possession date please see below as your temporary proof of residency:
- A signed purchase/rental agreement with a possession date.
- If moving to a home under construction - a signed builder agreement with possession date.
- All of the above dates must coincide with Hockey Calgary's regulations that all players must be within boundaries by September 1st of the start of the current season.
The above steps are for transferring within Canada, if you are transferring your player internationally you must contact SMHA operations at for further steps needing to be taken.
STEP 3: (operations) Upon review of your child’s profile/completed transfer, SMHA will contact you to advise that you may proceed with the registration
**Transfers may take over a week to process through the Hockey Canada Registry System. It is advised that transfer requests are done well in advance of fee increase dates in order to provide sufficient time for the transfer process to be completed.
The West Calgary House League is part of Hockey Calgary’s Flames Community House League program and is composed of members from the South West quadrant encompassing the boundaries of Trails West Hockey Association, Glenlake Minor Hockey Club, and Springbank Minor Hockey Association. Operational administration is housed under the Glenlake Minor Hockey Club and players must have their profiles shared with Glenlake for Hockey Canada Registry purposes only. Please contact SMHA Operations if you need your player's profile shared in order to register with WCHL.
Members who register for the West Calgary House League are governed by the Hockey Calgary - Community House League Operations Guide and the WCHL structure and procedures, including arena locations, as set forth below.
This program is only offered for U9 and U11
See the below "program information important dates" for practice/game times and fixed days
For questions about the West Calgary House League, please contact:
U13-U18 is not offered as part of the West Calgary House League.
Interested participants have the option to register in the community league with SMHA or register with Recreational Hockey Calgary.
Philosophy - The purpose of House league is to provide recreational players with the opportunity to play organized hockey in an environment that is affordable, fun, and safe with moderate time commitments allowing for participation in other social, academic or recreational activities. It also provides a less intimidating and competitive format for players with limited skills and knowledge of hockey.
While House League emphasizes fun hockey with no statistics or standings, skill development is still provided by certified volunteer parent coaches, and games are played with certified officials. There are fewer ice times on mostly fixed dates and times and less travel. All teams play in one division and are equally balanced with a variety of skill levels. The season runs from early October to the end of February with pre-skates and evaluations usually beginning the last weekend of September. All teams have one practice and one game per week. Practice schedules are fixed as much as available ice will allow and game schedules are released with as much advance notice as possible so families have reasonable knowledge of how their schedule will look. Teams are not permitted to play games or participate in tournaments outside their league or purchase additional ice for practices. There are no cash calls or fundraising permitted. As demand for this program is high, registration is on a first-come basis with a maximum number of players allowed per age division so register early. Every registered player is required to have a valid Respect in Sport – Parent certification.
Volunteer Bond - It is essential that parents step up to volunteer for the various roles required to run the league smoothly. These roles include but are not limited to, coaches, on-ice volunteers, and team managers. Without enough volunteers, we will not be able to continue to run the league.
ALL U9 and U11 families must bring one post-dated cheque, February 15th, for $150 for each player.
Players will not be permitted onto the ice until the player’s volunteer bond has been received.
Detailed role descriptions as well as bond commitments are available by clicking HERE
League Location/Home arenas - we have worked closely with Hockey Calgary to secure ice at George Blundun/Optimist arenas (Optimist Park) for WCHL practices and games. This location is central to the boundaries of WCHL members and assists with reducing travel time for families during the season.
ICE SHORTFALLS: Exceptions may occur in location(s) where ice was not available to be secured at Optimist Park, the WCHL Home arenas. To accommodate the shortfall(s), ice will be pooled from the South West quadrant (Trails West, Glenlake, and Springbank home arenas) and these secondary locations will be rotated equally through teams of the age groups affiliated with that set day.
Game Jerseys – WCHL game jerseys are sponsored by the Calgary Flames every other year and supplied by WCHL for the other year and players may keep their jerseys every season.
Friend Requests - Friend requests must be made at the time of registration. Every effort will be made to accommodate ONE RECIPROCATED friend request per player but requests are not guaranteed. The league retains the right to place players on teams with the priority of coach placement and forming balanced teams over accommodating friend requests. Due to the volume of requests, friend requests will NOT be accepted after registration is submitted, NO EXCEPTIONS.
Respect in Sport - Parent - Hockey Alberta has instituted a mandatory RIS Parent program to educate our membership for all new families to Hockey Calgary.
Recertification is required every 4 years, with the certificate expiring in May before the season starts- please ensure your certification is up to date.
Note: players will not be permitted to participate in pre-season skates or evaluations for the 2022-2023 season unless a valid RIS-Parent certification is noted on the player’s Hockey Canada Registry profile.
For more information, please review the Respect in Sport-Parent section under your Association’s Registration tab.
Coach Qualifications - Coaches for House League are required to have the same coach qualifications as the community stream.
Coaches may submit a request for reimbursement of clinic fees after they have been selected as part of the coaching staff for a team. Please wait for an "all call" after the qualification deadlines November 15th
All interested Coaches must fill out an application
LINK TO WCHL Coach Application
A late fee of $100 will be applied to registrations after August 15
Player withdrawal requests should be directed to the Age Group Coordinator for forwarding to the applicable association Administrator for processing. Note, that late fees are non-refundable.
- Prior to pre-skate: Full refund of regular registration fees less $50 administrative fee
- Prior to evaluation skates: Full refund of regular registration fees less $100 administrative fee
- Prior to team placement: Full refund of regular registration fees less $200 administrative fee
- After team placement: No refund
Subject to registration numbers but will be capped as noted below:
- U9 - 8 teams
- U11 - 10 teams
Waitlist Option - Should registration in an age group become full before August 15, there will be an option to select and register, as part of the WCHL registration form, on a waitlist. If there is a sufficient number of players registered on the waitlist in an age group, an additional team(s) may be added to the WCHL provided the league can secure additional fixed ice.
Important to note: Should this occur, it may affect the ability of the league to maintain the age group fixed-day schedule resulting in a rotating schedule for practices and/or games on a different day than noted below for that age group.
October - February
**Note: Family Day long weekend will be scheduled as the WCHL Season End Festival. See below section WCHL Festival for more details**
Late September / early October. All age divisions are scheduled for one pre-skate and two evaluation skates. See below the schedule for specific dates.
Practices - Thursday:
- Will start as early as 4:30 pm
- Will be at George Blundun or Optimist, however, may rotate occasionally to other locations where ice shortfalls might occur (see above for further details)
Games - Saturday:
- Will start as early as 7:15 am
- Will be at Optimist, however, may rotate occasionally where ice shortfalls might occur (see above for further details)
Practices - Friday:
- Will start as early as 4:30 pm
- Will be at George Blundun or Optimist, however, may rotate occasionally to other locations where ice shortfalls might occur (see above for further details)
Games - Sunday:
- Will start as early as 7:15 am
- Will be at Optimist, Joe Kryzka, Shouldice however may rotate occasionally to other locations where ice shortfalls might occur (see above for further details)
WCHL Season 2024/25
Event Date Notes
Pre-Skate (1) Sept 19-20 on the same weekday as age division practice day
Evaluation Skate (1) Sept 21-22 on same weekend as age divison game day
Evaluation Skate (2) Sept 26-27 on the same weekday as age division practice day
FALL (2024)
Practices Start Oct 10-11
Games Start Oct 19-20
Picture Day Nov (TBD) Location: Strathcona Community Centre
Last Practice (2024) Dec 12-13
Last Game (2024) Dec 19 U9 practice Dec 19 (replacement for Halloween)
Holiday Break Dec 20-Jan 8
WINTER (2025)
Practices Start Jan 4 & Jan 5 U9 will start Jan 4 & U11 starts Jan 5
Games Start Jan 11-12
ESSO Blackout* Jan 11-18 *No practices or games
Last Practice Feb 7 & Feb 20 U11 ends Feb 7 & U9 ends Feb 20
Last Game Feb 8-9
WCHL Festival Feb 13-16
Practice Days Games Days
U9 Thursdays Saturdays
U11 Fridays Sundays
Family Day long weekend - no games Monday. All age divisions will start on their usual weekday but may have other weekday Festival games. The majority of games will be scheduled at Optimist/George Blundun however there will be games at other arenas in South West Calgary including Joe Kryzka, Shouldice, Rose Kohn, Frank McCool, and 7 Cheifs.
We understand that hosting the WCHL Festival on the Family Day long weekend may not be an ideal time for some families. The WCHL is the only House League in Hockey Calgary that provides a year-end Festival and we need to accommodate the ice needs of both House League and Community in our three associations. It is very challenging to secure the amount of ice required to host a Festival of this size for all WCHL teams on any other weekend in the season without causing an even greater negative impact on the ice available for community teams. We have not scheduled games for Family Day Monday in the hopes this will help.
Contacts and Resources
WCHL Coordinator -
U9 WCHL Coordinator -
U11 WCHL Coordinator -
Hockey Calgary – Community House League Operations Guide
Hockey Calgary – House League In-Game Resources (2021-2022)
U9 - Half-Ice Rink Divider System (2021-2022) to be used for games only. Three rostered team coaches are necessary for set-up and moving the boards. No other volunteers are allowed on the ice so coaches must ensure they have their skates and helmets with them at all times to assist in using the rink divider system. The rink divider system at Optimist was sponsored by the Calgary Flames.

32224A Springbank Road,
Calgary, Alberta T3Z 2L9