SMHA code of conduct
SMHA Core Values
We will show RESPECT to our opponents, teammates, coaches, parents, and officials. We will be ACCOUNTABLE to one another and represent ourselves with INTEGRITY on and off the ice. Our CHARACTER will be what sets us apart from the competition and help pull us through the tough times. We will play with HONOUR, as playing this game is a privilege. We will be the HARDEST WORKING team in the league and prove that we are the team to beat!
revised - Sept 27, 2023
SMHA believes in, promotes, is guided by, and has built a culture around our Codes of Conduct and we require that all members read, accept, and conduct themselves in accordance with these codes. Behavior contrary to these codes will be dealt with seriously and suspensions from hockey may be imposed.
Coaching tool Box
Coaching Resources
At no time are you to contact Hockey Calgary, SMHA and Hockey Calgary have provided you with multiple levels of support for asking questions and seeking resources.
Chain of command:
- Your SMHA Age Group Coordinator (AGC) Lead
- Do not know who/what that is?
- find them on the About us page
- Your Manager
- SMHA Operations
- Your League Chair
- Do not know who/what that is?
- Visit the Manager's tab under the Manager's toolbox < League Chair, Governor, SMHA AGC Communications and SMHA Operations>
Coach Them - online drills software
- Head Coach access
- All Head coaches will receive a login and password from the VP
- contact SMHA's Director
Coaches Site - one-stop shop for all your coaching needs
- Head Coach access
- All Head coaches will receive a login and password from the VP
- contact SMHA's Director
- Create & Link Members - Spordle HCR 3.0
- This document shows you how to create and link your account
- Please be sure to choose SPRINGBANK as your organization
- DO NOT UPLOAD DOCUMENTS - please do not upload your driver's license, utility bill, or background check. Hockey Canada has warning flags but ignore them - SMHA Operations has already verified your address and background check
Coming Soon!
- SMHA coaching manual
- Here you will find administrative resources
- It is not only the responsibility of the team Manager but of the Head Coach as well. Hockey Calgary holds the Head Coach responsible for any infractions that occur when policy and procedures are not followed
- It is advised that all Head Coaches have a familiar understanding of the Manager's role
Hockey Calgary Intro to Hockey Resource Guide (this is a link) (U7 & U9)
Hockey Calgary League Resources (this is a link)
- Game Play Guidelines
- U9 Rink Divider Procedures
- U9 Coach, Manager Scorekeeper Cheat Sheet
- U9 Hockey Hub YYC Gameplay Guidelines
- U11 HyBrid Goalie Policy
- U11 Pathway
Hockey Calgary Rules & Regulations (this is a link)
Substitute Goaltender Procedure (this is a link)
SMHA U11 HyBrid Goalie Policy (this is a link)
Affiliation Procedures (this is a link)
Procedure for use of Affiliated Players-SMHA internal policy
- The Head Coach and ONLY the head coaches are to contact each other with the request for the use of an approved affiliate player.
- This is a Head Coach to Head Coach communication.
- They are to engage in an open dialog as to the best fit and most deserving of players.
- Only approved affiliate players can be considered, if a player who is not approved is used the Head Coach of the team using said player will be suspended
- "Friend requests" are not permitted nor should parents be contacted directly no matter the position they might hold on the affiliate team.
- The Head Coach is also required to notify their League Chair prior to the game when using affiliates
Coaching Requirements
Thank you for volunteering as a Head Coach (HC) or Assistant Coach (AC) Springbank values your volunteer time and can not have a successful season without you.
- Please note that SMHA does not allow “on-ice help” All volunteers on the ice must have a designation of HC or AC and the required credentials
All on-ice COACHING staff/Bench Staff at a minimum must have
- An active Spordle account (Hockey ID) – if you do not have one, please follow this link to create an account. Creating a Spordle account
- Activity leader (RIS-AL) (recertification is due every 4 years) - see below instructions
- Police Check (PIC) under the vulnerable sector (renewal every 3 years)
- Managers, Head Coaches, and Assistant Coaches must have a PIC (Police Check)
- SMHA has arranged to have the PIC costs covered by the Alberta Volunteer Society for all Managers, Head Coaches, and Assistant Coaches
- This information is kept in your Spordle account, SMHA does not keep these on file. Only the date of the search is recorded.
- Safety under Hockey Alberta's online clinic
All volunteers (Head Coach, Assistant Coach, and Manager) must fill out an application.
1. Coach Levels and certifications
The Hockey Alberta grid outlines the requirements needed to be a member of the coaching staff for a minor hockey team. (Click to see grid)
Coach levels are only required of the Heach Coach. (see Head Coaching Roster below)
- You will be required to have an active Spordle account in order register for coaching clinics
- Please see this "How-to" guide for setting up your account
NOTE: This further development does not ensure you are placed on a team as a Head Coach or Assistant Coach and does not guarantee you will qualify for our reimbursement program.
Head Coaches (HC) must hold the appropriate level of certification based on the age group they are coaching.
- All clinics can be found on the Hockey Alberta website < Coach tab
Level 1 - Coach:
- U7: Coach Level 1
- U9: Coach Level 1
This course is a two-part program in-person and online, the online section must be completed before registering for the in-person section.
U7 and U9 teams, Hockey Alberta requires at least one coach for every 10 players to have Level 1 & Safety certification. Assistant coaches are also encouraged to complete this level.
certification is mandatory for Head coaching U7 and U9 teams, regardless of any top-level or elite coach training previously taken
It is advised to have assistant coaches take this certification.
Level 2 - Coach:
This course is a two-part program in-person and online, the online section must be completed prior to registering for the in-person section.
Certification is mandatory for Head coaching U11 - U18, Coaches who require Level 2 certification are not required to complete Level 1 if they do not already have it. This training is required regardless of any top-level or elite coach training previously taken.
- U11: Coach Level 2*
- U13: Coach Level 2*
- U15: Coach Level 2*
- U18: Coach Level 2*
*Head Coaches must also possess checking certification
Hockey Alberta recommends that more than just the Head Coach be certified to ensure coaching staff attendance is covered assistant coaches take this certification.
Checking Clinic: (U11-U18)
This course is a two-part program in-person and online, the online section must be completed before registering for the in-person section.
Hockey Alberta requires all Level 2 coaches to have checking regardless of non-body designation.
2. Activity Leader (AL)- Respect in Sport
Required for All Coaching Staff
- In accordance with Hockey Alberta regulations, you will not be granted access to the Team or Ice until this is completed
- If this is your first time please be sure to choose "Springbank" as your office. Ignore all the Calgary ones.
- SMHA does not cover the cost of this program
3. Safety - Hockey Canada's Online course
SMHA requires All coaching staff
- Hockey Alberta requires the person with the Safety training to be in attendance at all sanctioned team events.
- In order to cover absences and the Hockey Alberta requirement SMHA has an internal policy that all coaching staff have this course.
- This training is valid for three seasons from the date of completion (expiring on September 1). Once expired, one must re-take the online course, or apply for Level 2 status (with appropriate qualifications).
- Hockey Alberta website < Coach tab
4. Police Checks - Vulnerable Sector Check (VSC)
Required for All Managers, Head Coaches, and Assistant Coaches
SMHA's internal Police check deadline is September 30. If You have not already completed the process by then you must be in the process by either waiting for confirmation on your check or have a booking to attend an appointment for a secondary in-person (if applicable)
For more details please visit the below section SMHA Police Information Checks
NOTE: no third-party background checks will be accepted - only Calgary Police Services or RCMP Vulnerable Sector checks will be allowed
5. Coaching Staff Application
All volunteers interested in coaching and managing must fill out SMHA's online coaching staff application - see the section below Coaching Staff Application
6. SMHA Code of Conduct
All SMHA members must read and acknowledge SMHA's Code of Conduct
As per Hockey Alberta, all Local Minor Hockey Associations and Club Teams must ensure by November 15th, all Teams meet the requirements outlined by Hockey Alberta. Any Team that does not meet the requirements outlined within the Hockey Alberta Regulations is not eligible and is not able to participate in sanctioned games.
Once the certification deadline passes, any team that does not meet the required certifications for their Team Officials will be notified that they are ineligible to participate until they have obtained the proper certifications.
Coaches are required to ensure they have the required certifications.
Team staff Application
To be considered for a coaching staff position: Head Coach or Assistant Coach all volunteers must fill out a Team staff application
Managers are required to fill out an application as well
If you have any questions, please email SMHA Operations
Coach Selection Process
SMHA has a committee to look at the overall evaluation process and to implement guidelines and practices to ensure a fair and complete evaluation. As part of that initiative, the committee also came up with some initial guidelines on the coach selection process.
New Process Document will be published soon.
The Vice President of Hockey will only consider coaching applications from applicants who meet all the necessary requirements including coaching certifications and a current police check. Failure to complete any of the requirements including the police check by the deadline will result in removal from your position without exception
Coach Reimbursement program
Springbank Minor Hockey Association will provide reimbursement for course costs in accordance with the most up-to-date coach requirements grid provided by Hockey Alberta and only courses taken in the current season - retroactive reimbursements will not be given.
For example, for age groups U11 through U18, SMHA will only reimburse the Head Coach for Coach 2 and Checking Skills courses if they are required to obtain these courses for the current season, and not an Assistant Coach, as it is only the Head Coach who is required to have such certifications.
If courses are taken electively by a volunteer member and are not considered required per the Hockey Alberta grid, SMHA will not reimburse for such coach development. (see below exceptions)
We highly encourage all Assistant Coaches to obtain training that mirrors that of the Head Coach, however, SMHA will not reimburse for such elective coach development.
U7 & U9
- have a ratio mandate where there must be a coach with Safety and Coach level 1 for every 10 players these instances two coaches are required to take Coach 1 and Saftey will be reimbursed
- SMHA has an internal policy that requires all our coaching staff to have Safety.
- Hockey Alberta requires the person with the Safety training to be in attendance at all sanctioned team events
- In order to cover absences and the Hockey Alberta requirement SMHA has an internal policy that all coaching staff have this course.
- Coaches can not submit their own expenses to SMHA
- They need to WAIT for the "all call" from their AGC
- Please NOT NOT reach out until you are asked
- Do not know who/what an AGC is - check out ABOUT US tab
- The AGC is then required to submit to the SMHA Treasurer by January 15th of the same season.
- Any request received after this will NOT be reimbursed.
- SMHA will not reimburse expenses of previous seasons and reserves the right to deny any application.
What is not covered
Respect in Sport Activity Leader
- All coaches must have this certification in order to gain access to the team ice/bench
- it must be renewed every 4 years and is not reimbursed by SMHA.
Police checks
- Volunteer Alberta covers Springbank Minor Hockey Association with a no-cost access code(coaches and managers)
- SMHA has a process that must be followed in regard to Background checks, see the SMHA Background check section below, those coaches going it alone will not be covered.
In summary, only Coach 1, Coach 2, and Safety and Checking Skills are reimbursed courses for SMHA coaches (or Team Official) that are required to take the certification. To be eligible for reimbursement, all reimbursement requests must be received by the respective Age Group Coordinator (“AGC”)
SMHA Background CHECKS
Police Information Checks (Due September 30th)*
* All Police Checks must be completed by SEPTEMBER 30th.
- If you haven't already finished the process by the above date, you must either be in the waiting phase for confirmation on your check or have an appointment booked for a secondary in-person check (if applicable).
- SMHA will permit our bench staff to remain with the team only if your background check is up for renewal, the background check must be in the queue for processing by CPS/RCMP.
- However, you may be asked to provide proof that your application is in the process stage, and failure to provide proof may result in your removal until the background check is completed.
- Those acquiring a first-time background check might be required to wait for your clearance letter prior to joining the team on the ice/bench
If you missed the September 30th deadline due to a secondary check, a late application, or CPS/RCMP's backlog, it must be completed by November 15th.
SMHA takes this matter very seriously, and we fully expect that all outstanding background checks will be completed by November 15th. Failure to do so will result in your removal from the team.
Please read through the information below for SMHA Police Checks.
- Depending on your address you will be required to process your background check with:
- Calgary Police Servies (CPS) - for Calgary Residence
- Tsuut’ina Nation Police Service (TTNP) for Redwood Meadow residences only
- Cochrane RCMP for all Rocky View residences
- SMHA Operation will engage you with the appropriate authority – please do not “rush down” as you are required to have volunteer clearance for SMHA first
- SMHA requires all Coaches, Assistant Coaches, and Managers to have a current Police Check. (Vulnerable Sector Check Required) Police Checks are valid for 3 years with SMHA.
- This will cost nothing for the member as Volunteer Alberta provides these to Springbank Minor Hockey Association at no cost (coaches and managers). However, if you are required a secondary check via fingerprints this cost will not be covered by SMHA.
- Coaches can view their background expiry status in their personal Spordle accounts - SMHA only records the dates of issue and no documents are uploaded or kept on file (As per the privacy ACT)
- It is the responsibility of the member to keep the original document safe
- Renewals are required in the year when the season starts, rather than the specific month of expiratory within the Spordle system.
- For example, if a background check expires within the months of the upcoming season (Sept to April) it is considered expired for the entire season.
- Third-party background checks will NOT be accepted - only directly sent Calgary Police Services or RCMP Vulnerable Sector checks will be allowed
Calgary Police Services(CPS), Tsuut’ina Nation Police Service, or Cochrane RCMP
- In order to access the no-charge system. All Police Checks new or renewing require Operations to issue either an email voucher (CPS) or a letter of volunteer Tsuut’ina Nation Police Service and RCMP
- Operations will be in touch with you with your required access.
- Please refrain from contacting Operations - if you have an application completed you will be contacted
Cochrane RCMP processing:(This is a link to their website)
- If you reside in Rocky View County, you will need to complete your check at the Cochrane Detachment.
- You are required to have a letter of volunteer from SMHA Operations before you attend their office
- Please follow these "how to RCMP" instructions when applying at the Cochrane RCMP
Calgary Police Services (CPS) processing:(this is a link to their website)
- If you reside in Calgary city limits, you will fall under the Calgary Police Services jurisdiction.
- This is an online application with no volunteer letter required
- SMHA Operations will provide you with a free no charge private link
- Please follow these "how to CPS" instructions when applying with the Calgary Police Services
Tsuut’ina Nation Police Service processing(this is a link to their website)
- If you reside in Redwood Meadows, you will need to complete your check at the Tsuut’ina Nation Police Service
- You are required to have a letter of volunteer from SMHA Operations before you attend their office
- Please contact Tsuut’ina Nation Police Service to ensure you do not need an appointment before attending with your letter
The Vice President of Hockey will only consider coaching applications from applicants who meet all the requirements including coaching certifications and a current police check. Failure to complete the police check by the deadline will result in removal from your position without exception.

32224A Springbank Road,
Calgary, Alberta T3Z 2L9